ISTM that some folks are more concerned with defending the name "Christian" than the name of Christ.
Hear me & hear me clearly:

This is not a moment to try to save face. Stop trying to defend the indefensible. Stop the spin. Some of the critiques aimed at American Christians right now are deserved.
Instead, humble yourself, listen to them, own our sins, repent & receive grace. This is a far greater witness to the truth of the gospel than stubbornly refusing to acknowledge our failures or deflect critique.
Repentence & humility are not signs of weakness. They are signs that we actually believe what we say we believe.
The gospel never depended on our righteousness or moral superiority. So there's no need to protect it. In this moment, bearing witness to the truth means confessing our faults. It means submitting ourselves to the justice of God & claiming his mercy.
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