Chelsea's transfer business since 2015 has been a total disgrace, and just using the academy would have fixed so many of our problems.

We've spent around than €900 million since 2015 - what do we have to show for it??? [THREAD]
Using Loftus-Cheek, Chalobah, Aké, Musonda, Boga, Hudson-Odoi, Abraham, DaSilva, Sterling, Aina and maybe a couple more over the years saves us £100s of millions.
The worst thing is - this doesn't downgrade the squad - if anything we'd probably be better.

Did Emerson/Zappa do better than Sterling and DaSilva would have?

Did Drinkwater and Bakayoko do better than RLC and Chalobah would have?
Where would Boga and Hudson-Odoi be by now if we had just trusted these guys.

And it's not just an upgrade on that season, it's an investment in the future that would be getting better and better each season.
Even if you don't think these guys would be upgrades on what we bought, the difference is definitely not worth what it cost us.
A thought out transfer policy, meaning we don't have to panic and can take measured decisions on the players we actually want - not wasting time penny pinching only to spend more panic buying on a worse player (eg Kepa and Allison) and we are top of the table right now.
We probably don't end up getting:
Baba Rahman

roughly £450million worth of players ... what the fuck
Our squad probably looks something like this.

Hazard/Boga Lukaku/Tammy RW/CHO

CM/RLC Kai/Gilmour

Sandro/Dasilva VVD/Aké Zouma/CB Reece/Dujon

Imagine we thought like this when KDB and Salah were here too, then you splash out on one more CB - we'd have probably got someone like Koulibaly, and in 2021 we're rocking this squad.
Hazard/Boga Lukaku/Tammy Salah/CHO

KDB/RLC Kai/Gilmour

Sandro/Dasilva VVD/Aké Koulibaly/Zouma Reece/Dujon

This would be one of the best sides to ever play the game.

I know it's easy to say this in retrospect, but people were saying things like this at the time -

- and if anything we need to look at this to realise we can't make mistakes like this again.
The takeaway from this - the academy at Cobham is our key to the top.

If we used it right before we'd be there now, if we use it right now - we'll be there soon.

Use the academy with a measured transfer policy, getting the players we need each time and we are sorted.
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