1. Imo, the push to decarbonization will dramatically accelerate the penetration of #technology into oil & gas industry, along all the chains. It will bring structural transformations & function of context, the effects might be disruptive #OOTT #OTGC

2. Capacity of energy + https://twitter.com/kvk4/status/1349452344694505473
company to forge alliances with tech companies, and subsequently integrate technology into the value chains, will become, imo, a decisive competitive advantage in near future. Mainly among the upstream & progressively- up to the technology penetration & usage-among midstream +
& downstream as well

2. Do you remember how much interest was around the deals regarding "assets swap", or "cooperation" along a specific value chain?
Now time has come to keep an eye on the alliances between energy majors and #tech companies, ie :
- #Shell and Microsoft +
-Siemens and Novatek
-The alliance around the G2 Net-Zero #LNG project (13 mln/annum) from Calcasieu Ship Channel
-The planned cooperation bw/n Equinor, Thyssenkrupp & German GTSO OGE, to produce #hydrogen from steel
Etc, etc

3. To what extent the massive technology penetration+
would represent an extra cost for consumer, it's difficult to say at this stage.
But my education guess is that there will be a strong interplay bw/n the scale of technology penetration-efficiency along all chains -final prices to consumers
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