Got dudes in my mentions upset because I connected a relationship between sea shanties and slavery “shanties have a longer history!!” — meanwhile, the tiktok song that started the whole trend below 👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿 where the “sailors” get the sugar, tea, and rum??? lol
And the point is not even just whether this is a song that sailors/pirates sang but that our entire rewriting of pirate history in movies and popular culture erases their involvement in the slave trade, and sea shanties have been popularly associated with them.
(this is also not a dunk on the original tiktok, it’s quite funny lol)
but, like a lot of these dudes who slide into my mentions uninvited with their intent to gas light me and defend whiteness/white supremacy, he ducked out (blocked) bc he couldn’t handle the analysis. and this was a “historian” of “Nordic culture” 🤷🏿‍♂️
People also seem to have little historical understanding of the naming of “pirates” vs “sailors” — the categories are not as distinct as some of them might think — especially not during the 19th century when shipping increased exponentially. but sure, tell me about the “sailors”
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