THREAD: A Pigeon Named Joe > Comms

Hat tip to @Jess_369_ for the heads up on this article.

This pigeon appears to be adept at many roles: racing, carrier and messenger.

Ho. Lee. Chit.
3) start comms >

Canberra > meeting place

13,000-kilometer > 13 > [their] number

Pacific Ocean > west coast > Silicon Valley > P=16 O=15 > 16+15=31 >< 13

find a new home in Australia > get out now
5) bird a quarantine risk and plan to kill it > spies at risk of jail and death penalty

Kevin Celli-Bird > jailbird

bird... arrived in... Melbourne on Dec. 26 > someone in Melbourne

disappeared from a race > got nabbed
6) pigeon... named Joe, after the U.S. president-elect > Biden

hitched a ride on a cargo ship to cross the Pacific > tried to run
7) Joe’s feat has attracted the attention of the Australian media > the dirt on 'Joe' is about to hit the media

Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service > AQIS
8) jail...on Thursday to ask him to catch the bird. > (to be?) arrested Thursday? or last Thursday?

concerned about bird diseases > the dirt on 'Joe' will taint all connected

can’t catch it > can't let that happen

500 mil > mil = troops?
9) within 500 mil ... of it and then it moves > moves & countermoves

considering contracting a professional bird catcher > trained troops


compromise... security and ... populations
10) direct... risk to... life and our...industry

government... euthanize > stop the gov

two Yorkshire terriers > Yorkshire = NYC > terrier = terror

Pistol and Boo > gun scare > FF

smuggled into the country > 2 of 'something' smuggled in
11) Johnny... Amber > JA > Assange?

[2 planned FFs > "US Military = SAVIOR of mankind" > post 114 > 1/14 > planned for today?]

50-hour deadline to leave

chartered jet
12) Pigeons... in Celli-Bird’s backyard > spies caught


Australian native doves > spotted pigeons > intercepted spies

rocked up... Boxing Day > rocked = busted
13) fountain in the backyard > tons of spies busted

fountain... drink ... wash > coming clean > spilling the dirt

crushed up a dry biscuit > crumbs > bits of info

rocked... up... our water feature > busted plan

have a look at him
14) weak... afraid... he had a blue band on his leg > ankle monitor

belongs to someone... managed to catch him > busted

Celli-Bird... interest in birds > all at risk of jail

“apart from my last name,” > Celli-Bird > Celli (a part of last name)> jail > risk of jail
15) pigeon ...hands... regained... strength > spy hands (helpers) gaining strength

Oklahoma-based... Pigeon... confirmed... Joe... registered to an owner in Montgomery, Alabama > spy in OK confirmed 'Joe' in jail in AL?
16) attempted to contact... unable to get through

bird spends every day in the backyard... side-by-side with a native dove on a pergola > bird in jail > pergola > trellis > pattern > jail? > someone singing?
17) feeding it pigeon food from within days of its arrival > food = information

given him some food...he’s got a spot...that’s home > not going anywhere

Chinese racing pigeons... Australian west coast aboard cargo ships > Chinese (spies) flocking west coast via cargo ship
18) fears pigeons from the United States... carry... diseases... Joe should be destroyed > Joe's connections to Chinese spies will taint all > hit ordered

wholehearted support for the idea

recorded by a pigeon
19) Arras

1931 > 31 >< 13

11,600 kilometers > rotate 180 degrees counter-clockwise > 911

some known instances of long-distance flights > some got out

one-offs > one way

marathon runners of the pigeon world > all helpers of the 'spy world'
20) feats that could be achieved by the average pigeon is not known > it might be too late to get out

> end comms

Your were told > news unlocks.

Not gonna lie- this decode was a mind phork.
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