One of the many hate accounts on Somali twitter is @Hawdka who spits vitriol against Somali clans from north to south.
The man behind this burner is taleexi a Dhulmahante resident of the US. Who is @Taleexi_ and why does he have cuqdad?
I will explain in this short thread;
He is a Sijiui descended from the Dhulbahante that was shipped to Kenya due to their loyalty towards the British Empire.

His Sijui family relocated to Mogaishu in the 80s and lived lavishly under the Barre regime"
His Dhulbahante family resided in Mogadishu but after the SNM and USC's toppling of the Barre regime they fled to the Dadaab refugee camps of Kenya. These experiences may have contributed to his cuqdad against Irir Samaale tribes
After residing in Kenya for some years they migrated to the US and settled in Minneapolis. Public records state his real name is Anwar Kamal Jama. His father Kamal Mohamed Jama being listed as a relative. His government age is 37 but online he claims to be younger
He could be telling the truth about his age and he might infact be in his 20s but that opens up to the possibility of immigration fraud. I'm sure @ICEgov @USCIS would like to do a more thorough investigation
Minnesota court records show he changed an error in his name in 2019. They also show his father Kamal Jama of Minneapolis was a serial offender and on one ocassion was arrested for driving under the influence of Alcohol.
We should feel sympathy for him because growing up with an alcoholic father probably wasn't easy for him and may explain his cuqdad but that doesn't excuse his online behavior. This should be a lesson to all anons who think they can attack fellow Somalis and remain hidden.
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