Having lived a hard life before you’ve even made it through your 20s does not make you mature. It makes you wounded.

Don’t mistake your wounds for wisdom.
Some things only come with time. Wisdom has a time factor that can’t be side stepped.
Time gives perspective. It allows you to put things into their proper place. It allows you to order and re-order the events of your life, constantly re-orienting the value and weight you give to people and experiences.
This message is for all of you lamenting how you’ve given up on various things and you’re only in your 20s. Especially those of you with Saturn n sidereal Aquarius.

Having been humiliated or rendered invisible by those responsible for your well-being is not a sign of maturity.
One definition of knowledge is the loss of innocence. While we may hold wisdom in high regard, it’s important to recognize that you were entitled to hold onto your innocence until the appropriate time. Yet, it was taken from you. That is injustice—trauma. https://twitter.com/cognitivepapi/status/1349742420653727746
The things that you value, the things that suck up your psychic and emotional energy, the things that you want to achieve or accomplish— more often than not in 10 years most of these people or things will not matter much, and you will be able to put them in proper context.
The 1st Saturn return (rite of passage into adulthood lasting 2.5 years, beginning some time between 27 & 30 years old) is an important time of coming to terms with what you’ve experienced in your life up until that point. However, it is the 3rd Jupiter return that coincides with
the first square of transiting Saturn to your natal Saturn placement after your first Saturn return that really makes things plain for you. Jupiter’s cycle and its every 12 years return to its position in your birth chart is very underrated!
We would never force a baby to walk who has not yet developed the musculature and coordination to do so. In fact, we know that once a baby has developed those things, the will to walk will overtake them without our help.

But for some reason we do not treat the psyche, the brain,
and the nervous system the same way. We force emotional and psychological independence on children who have not yet developed the neurological or psychological capacity to do so. And those who perform that independence well are celebrated and rewarded as an example of what
everyone should do. When in fact, those people have had their innocence taken from them, and have been forced into the labor the adults in their lives should be responsible for.

This is not maturity. This is not wisdom. This is not adulthood. This is not a badge of honor. This
is woundedness that requires acknowledgment, validation, tenderness, and time.
Forcing psychological and emotional independence on children can actually disrupt the process of brain development, namely the prefrontal cortex which allows them to foresee consequences and make decisions.
But keep sleep training your babies and letting them cry it out. The fact that they’ve stopped crying is not evidence that they‘ve learned to soothe themselves. They actually do not have the capacity to do so. Instead, they’ve been forced into accepting that you are not coming.
I realize many of you all are not ready for this conversation. But understand that capitalism forces us into parenting in ways that are completely contrary to our nature and what we intuitively and spiritually know to be right.
Think about how many of us were sleep trained or left to cry without anyone coming to us. And what does that have to say a out our ability to feel entitled to having our needs met in relationships & community? What does it say about the way that we deal with our own feelings?
Anyways, that’s my sermon for today. Neglect has been normalized in our culture. But, that does not mean that you must continue to neglect yourself.

Happy Thursday!
Apparently I had a bit more to say (thread) https://twitter.com/peoplesoracle/status/1349761784119439363
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