A guy came to the sage Hillel & (obnoxiously) asked him to teach all of Torah on one foot.

Hillel said, "What is hateful to you, do not do to others: this is Torah; the rest is commentary; go and learn.”

If you wouldn’t like it if a policy was applied to you, don’t pass it.
It’s so straightforward and yet US policy has been propagating this other thing for... well, centuries. Definitely decades. Most certainly the last four years.
Don’t want a mass shooter in your office? Don’t want to be placed in horrific detention because you’re trying to keep your family safe? Don’t want to lose everything just because you get sick and can’t afford the healthcare bills? Huh.
Suddenly, when it’s personal. After how many years working to cut the ACA and essential services for those in poverty and helping vote to ignore children in cages? https://twitter.com/eimzcaomhanach/status/1349496613476118528
Notably Hillel’s formulation is negative—don’t do what you wouldn’t want. Does not presume (as the Golden Rule does) that you know exactly what another person DOES want (how to find out? Ask them!) but rather that you have a basic understanding of harm and how not to cause it.
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