McConnell should already have the Senate in full session today, and be approving the President-Elect's Cabinet positions - particularly the law enforcement & national security positions that Trump stacked with loyalists in preparation for the GOP's insurrectionist coup last week.
In blocking PE's ability to get Senate's advice & consent on nominations, he is simultaneously offering aid & comfort to our enemies abroad, and acting as part of the GOP insurrection to obstruct & deny the American people's voice in the last election.
Every day McConnell delays in both a) removing the people who fomented armed invasion of Congress from federal office and b) holding confirmation hearings on Biden's nominee's, he is committing sedition & blocking a peaceful transition of power.
In case folks aren't aware, Senate normally holds hearings considering the President-Elect's nominees in the period before the inauguration.

McConnell closing the Senate to this is part of the GOP's coordinated, ongoing assault on transition of power.
TL;DR: McConnell is a skilled liar & obstructionist who is giving lip service to peaceful transition of power, while simultaneously endangering the United States & acting as a key part of the GOP insurrection.

Somehow the press does not seem to be questioning him on this.
I suspect McConnell is also worried that GOP Senators will avoid the vote to avoid taking a stand on their colleagues' support for sedition & insurrection, and that this would lower the bar for removal & barring Trump from federal office.
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