Today would have been Murray Bookchin's 100th birthday. To celebrate, we want to share some of our publications that were directly inspired by his work.
Before we begin, for those who want to know more about him, check out this beautiful zine by Emily McGuire
With the help of the Bookchin Trust, we were proud to have published this transcription of a magnificent talk Bookchin gave in 1974 (!) repudiating ecofascists and ecomodernists alike. Thanks to @BlackSocialists for boosting ❤️
A short and accessible article by @EleanorFinley16 on human nature, inspired by Bookchin's work on social ecology and anthropology. "There is no human nature, only human potential."
A primer on municipalism:

Why libertarian municipalism is more needed today than ever before by Tyler Anderson
"To fight fascism and climate change, the left must rebuild political life"
Another primer, arguing that it is especially necessary in a time of alienation, from the land and from each other:

The promise of radical municipalism today
"Politics is about bringing people together and taking control of the spaces where we live"
In a two-part series, @SymbiosisRev also discussed some key challenges of radical municipalism:
1) How radical municipalism can go beyond the local
"Fighting for local democracy is – perhaps counter-intuitively – the best chance we’ve got."
2) ‘Dark municipalism’: The dangers of local politics
If a diverse, egalitarian, and ecological local politics is to be successful, it must develop strategies for addressing and combating racism and parochialism.
In this piece, @a_vansi interviewed political theorist @Anothergreen on Elinor Ostrom's contribution to the left, and how her work can fit with democratic confederalism being developed in Rojava
Here, @EleanorFinley16 discusses how the civilizational fight against hierarchy in all forms—colonialism, capitalism, patriarchy, racism—is embodied in the struggle in Rojava.
Addison Winslow discusses what it takes to build internationalist alliances between autonomous movements across North and South divides, reporting back from the struggle for Indigenous autonomy in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico
In sharing these essays, we remember Murray Bookchin, 14 years after his death and 100 years after he was born. May his work live on in the countless steps we take, together, in the journey to utopia.
Thanks @nobamboozles for the correction
Also thanks @eeemcguire for making this superb zine
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