While covering protests, rallies and riots, @MrOlmos does not dress to blend it with participants. He wears khakis and a dress shirt in boring colors. He has Kevlar, a helmet, safety glasses, and a gas mask if he needs one. And always his press pass.
He likes basic safety glasses that you can find at the hardware store. Between rubber bullets and paint ball guns, you need to protect your eyes.
> @joiechen says to deactivate your thumbprint and facial recognition on your phone so no one can force you to open it and review or delete footage.
In Portland, the journalists on the ground have group chats and texts so they can keep tabs on each other. @MrOlmos said when things get bad, they pair up. If you haven't reached out to other journalists in your town yet, now's a good time.
And don't stand in one place. he said. Move around so your location is never a given.
> @DartCenter has more tips, including to fully charge your phone, carry extra batteries, and write the number of legal help in waterproof marker on your arm. https://dartcenter.org/resources/how-safely-cover-street-protests
Now to mental health. “Everyone is overwhelmed, tired, grieving, scared, angry and having problems focusing," said @KariWrites. AND
You, for my white colleagues, we need to recognize layered trauma.
> @sammyragland suggests you figure out what you can and can't control. You can use your phone to help you stop doomscrolling. You can clean up your desk before you stop working so you don't start the next day in a panic. And you can find joy online (NASA, NatGeo) if you look.
Also, editors, you need to be having one-on-ones with your staff. Don't wait until they need it. Check in, @sammyragland said, and be ready to listen.
> @TheABPsi's Self-Care Tool Kit includes signs of stress and tips for self-care.
And the phone number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-TALK (8255). https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ 
You can follow @kristenhare.
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