A friend of mine has sat very close to the seat of political power in this country. He has been the bodyguard for a couple of governors, he has spent time in DC and he has seen behind the curtain. We’ve had a lot of long conversations in the last few weeks.
And at the end of every conversation we circle back to either we pack it up and head for the woods or we stand and fight for what we believe it. I am not advocating violence at all I’m talking about a political fight. Fight of our lives.
The left in this country has a far more organized machine than the right. There is no place that it is easier to see this and I had a simple inauguration ceremony for new citizens. Go and watch one sometime when it’s over and everybody is leaving the building watch.
See who is standing outside to greet the new citizens with voter registration cards in hand. I have witnessed it myself half a dozen Democrats at every swearing in ceremony are there to sign up anyone who was just sworn in. Where are there republican counterparts?
I’ll tell you right up front Trump was not my first choice. After he won the nomination I listened to what he had to say and I decided to give him a chance. True to his word we got conservative judges, a new capital in Israel that had been promised by everyone before him.
As a business owner I witnessed firsthand how his tax cuts affecting my employees paychecks. I watched the take home income for their families rise unlike any president before him. I saw business opportunities that I had not seen since my dad was in business in the 80s.
I firmly believe in Making America Great Again. That does not make me a racist or a terrorist or a criminal like the media and the left is trying to make me and anyone else who believed out to be. They crushed the tea party with the same rhetoric.
I do not believe in violence in any political movement. It is a tactic of the left that the’ve used very successfully which we have all witnessed through the summer. The burning of cities the looting of businesses that had nothing to do with the causes they claimed to represent
I do not believe for one minute that politically putting our country before other countries is racist. It is not our citizens deserve a government who places their needs above the needs of other countries. If you come to this country legally I support you 100%
The basic tenants of the conservative movement I will standby until I die. I believe in the Constitution, I believe in the rule of law, I believe that no one is above that law. I have seen a double standard in this country for far too long. The only way to fix DC is term limits.
Good people go down there thinking they’re going to make a difference and they are quickly corrupted by the DC machine. These people leave Washington decades later far more wealthy than any average American. How does this happen? Simple they were bought off.
Our government will never truly be our government again until career politicians are out of politics. We have a chance a slim chance but a chance at changing things in DC. The left wing of the Democratic Party and their cohorts in the main stream media will call you any thing.
They will call you terrorists, extremists, threat to democracy, but you cannot buy into that bullshit. Just because you care about this country and how it moves forward politically does not make you any of those things. Trump started a movement and it is up to us to continue
Continue with the idea that our politicians need to place our needs in this country ahead of the needs of other countries. Primary out anyone of them who does not agree with us and who sold us out. There are 75 million people who believed and we cannot let that go.
There are people among us that seek to destroy us from within. Do not go out looking for violence in the coming weeks. Instead spend your time organizing and preparing for the elections in two years. If you go out looking for a fight the media will only use it against you.
In the coming months they will seek to disarm us. They are going to use what happened on 6 January for every inch they can squeeze out of it. Don’t give them anything else to beat this movement with.
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