This tweet contains an elision that needs to be called out forcibly. There's a fundamental difference in kind between people who attended the rally and the idiots who deserve their idiot prizes who broke into the Capitol. Referring to "the crowd" equates the two, purposefully so.
The crowd did no such thing. This is not a Simpsons episode where everyone showed up with torches and pitchforks. Some number, and hell if I can find that number, broke into the Capitol. The vast majority of people there did no such thing.
There's a major push right now to say that every person that went to the rally is a domestic terrorist and should be treated as such. And, shockingly only if you haven't paid attention since 2015, the Hate Object Is Orange crowd is right there howler monkeying right alongside.
Before anyone BuT tHe BLM rIoTs at me, I'm consistent on this. If you went to a rally but didn't do anything other than stand there and yell and march about, fine, good on you for actually doing something for what you believe in. If you stormed a building? Screw you.
Yet again, there's a subset of people who claim to be oh so smart and oh so moral and have oh so much better character than thou who are only too desperately eager to smear with a large brush. No. Smearing people as rioters for just going to listen to your Hate Object is wrong.
It is, however, quite revealing, as if any additional revelation was necessary, that the Hate Object isn't just the Orange Bad Man. It's anyone who dares think he's not the worst thing ever. I see you. We all see you.
Oh and why is that screen capped? Because he's earned nothing but my utter contempt and scorn and because if he wants to play stupid petty bitch games, child, child, I will always win those. /corgi here
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