How Do We Make UK Schools Safe? - A Thread

@jljcolorado and @long_recovery joined us for last nights special presentation on measures we can take NOW to #MakeSchoolsSafe.

Full video here:

Video also includes a presentation by our founder @2Tone4Real, explaining the situation in UK schools, and from @long_recovery on the impact of Covid-19 infection in children.

Links to slides used in the presentations are given in the YouTube description.
Insights from @jljcolorado:

- the mechanism and impact of airborne transmission of Covid-19
- mask fit matters
- NDIR CO2 meters are a critical weapon
- air filtration can be achieved, cost-effectively
-there is no safe distance indoors

Key Recommendations:
#MakeSchoolsSafe #COVIDisAirborne
-NDIR CO2 meters to test classroom air is <800 ppm
-widespread mask use, kids too - well-fitting
-Air filtration units - limited budget? standard fan with air con filter
-Talk quieter - use microphones
-Teach outside as much as possible
We agree, that to #MakeSchoolsSafe we need:

-smaller class sizes
-isolation of bubbles were there is a positive case
-effective test, trace, track, isolate, support
-application of the cautionary principle
-lower case rates to make management a realistic prospect
The answers to how we #MakeSchoolsSafe are clear - now we need to tell the world. Please RT this thread so to help spread the message: #COVIDisAirborne

If you wish to add your NDIR CO2 meter measurements to the growing thread of evidence, tweet #COVIDCO2
You can follow @Parents_Utd.
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