CW COVID-19, medical ableism

As a mad person, who's been on the receiving end of a fair amount of shit from medical professionals, I'm getting concerned about the messages that are going viral
CW COVID-19, medical ableism

My main concern is that, having had my fair share of patronising "patients can't understand anything, they're all incapable of making good decisions so we have to make those decisions for them" stuff, often used to deny me necessary care.
CW COVID-19, medical ableism

The big tweets from ICU doctors, or nurses, or whatever, that are going viral are all "this is what you're doing by not following the covid rules!", not "this is the result of a massive number of people being forced to work in unsafe conditions!"
CW COVID-19, medical ableism

That stuff echoes what I've heard from medical professionals on an individual basis repeatedly - patronisingly blaming individual people for situations beyond their control, and I don't like it.
CW COVID-19, medical ableism

By and large, in the UK, covid spread is taking place in workplaces (and, I'm guessing, public transport as people get to and from work), not social gatherings. The statistics back that up.
CW COVID-19, medical ableism

I don't want to minimise the horrors medical professionals are seeing, but that individualist "oh you're all just incapable of making good decisions, that's why this has happened" attitude has been seeping through from the start, and I don't like it
CW COVID-19, medical ableism

On a related note, I am fucking dreading what healthcare will be like in a post-covid world, where a huge proportion of medical staff will be suffering from some level of trauma as a result of events now.
CW COVID-19, medical ableism

Leaving aside how absolutely horrific it is that we're traumatising all these people, I've been in plenty of situations where I've seen traumatised people cause all manner of further harm. Hell, I've been on both sides of that myself.
CW COVID-19, medical ableism

I, and most disabled or mad people I know, have already got all sorts of stories of mistreatment at the hands of the medical profession, and I don't want to think about what the addition of a massive prevalence of untreated PTSD will do to that
CW COVID-19, medical ableism

It's not that being traumatised inherently makes people likely to do harm, but there are a LOT of situations where I've seen people who are clearly hurting do harm to people they have control over as a result of that hurt.
CW COVID-19, medical ableism

Most of us mad or disabled folks have had at least one instance of being literally shouted at by medical professional - I can't imagine half the profession having C-PTSD from going through 18+months of covid hell will do anything but make that worse.
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