#ammteasers Pep talk time!

Y'all, I entered PW 3X and RevPit 1X & countless (now defunct) mini-contests and this is when self-doubt kicks in.

People are tweeting about requests and you're giving up on yourself because you haven't gotten one.

Don't. Seriously. 1/?
#AmmTeasers A view from this side of the curtain:

Yesterday was a really bad MH day for me, & you know what? I didn't open a single sub because I worried I'd allow my mood to influence my reading.

Life happens to all of us, no matter how excited we are to read your words! 2/?
#ammteasers I currently have 60 subs (I think many have more)

I've read 14 (that's IT)
Requested 3
Read 1 full
Taken lots of notes on 6
Plan to request (likely!) another 7 (or more)

I still haven't opened 1/2 that arrived on Day 1

You're TOTALLY not out of the game 3/?
#AmmTeasers There are very few that went straight to NO for me, and you know what? Some of them have had requests from other mentors.

It's seriously SO SUBJECTIVE.

I know we keep saying that, but it's TRUE

4/? (I have a lot to say, haha)
#Ammteaserss I'm reading with these questions in mind:

Does the voice sing to my soul?
Can I see where I can help it?
How can I help find an agent for this?
👉👉👉Will they consider my revision thoughts for this?
Is it query ready now?
Is the craft there?

#Ammteasers As much as I already love what I've requested, I know I'm going to love some more, and it's going to be a really hard decision because there is SO MUCH damned talent and I need to feel like I can honestly be a help, and not steer someone wrong

#Ammteasers So really truly, DO NOT doubt yourself or assume you have no chance because we have a long time to keep requesting and we WILL

(Again, most of us mentors found agents through slush, not contests, so this REALLY isn't your only chance!)

Be kind to yourselves xox 7/7
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