Let's talk about anxiety. Many people have experienced an increase in anxiety throughout the pandemic, but especially in lockdown. There are things that we can do to shift anxious feelings. Here are a few things to think about - add in anything that has helped you.
The first place to start with is your physical being. If you are physiologically on high alert, anxious feelings soon follow. Alcohol, caffeinated drinks and nicotine increase anxiety. Try to cut down, especially from midday onwards.
Exercise is an anxiety-buster, as is being outside. Try to exercise every day, even if you don't feel like it. Even 15 mins of yoga, dancing around to upbeat music will make a difference.
If you feel disabled by anxiety, wrapping up and taking a brisk walk outside can help a lot. Trying to notice your surrounding is calming to the brain, especially in green spaces. Grab your shoes and head to the park.
Sleep hygiene is important. Try to guard your sleep like gold. Avoid electronics before bedtime and reach for a podcast or a book instead. A body scan before bedtime can be calming.
Meditation is a good way to check in with how your thoughts are racing. You don't have to 'stop' your thoughts. Just notice them but let them go on their way, like clouds in the sky.
If you struggle with meditation, in moments of panic breathing deeply and slowly sends a message to your vagal nerve that interrupts cascades of stress chemicals. Try to pause after each in and out breath.
Be wary of what you put in your brain. Junk in = junk out. Notice if social media puts you in a worse mood. No-one needs to hear how others are sculpting the perfect body or hyggeing their surroundings right now. Most of us are getting by and that's fine.
Consider taking a break from social media. You won't miss anything. Consider also 'news-free' days or limiting time with doom mongers!
Finally, but most importantly connections are so important. Make a list of people who make you feel better and check in with them. Even a quick text conversation can be grounding. We all have days when we struggle.
Finally, finally anxiety is your brain's way of keeping you safe. Thank your brain and tell it that's going to be ok. Everything will alright in the end, if it's not alright, it's not the end.
What are you tips for moments of panic or what soothes your anxiety?
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