Here we go!
Martin Kreienbaum, chair of the IF, notes that work is already underway on simplification of both pillars and all comments submitted and made today will be taken on board. The IF is seeking early engagement with the new US govt on the two pillars at all levels, he says.
. @PSaintAmans notes IF is in waiting mode for signals from the Biden admin on the two pillars and hopes that the new Treasury secretary will be in place in time for next G20 finmin meeting at end of Feb. Aiming for mid-2020 agreement at July 9-10 G20 finmin meeting in Venice.
. @WillMorris_DC quoting Churchill "The optimist sees opportunity in every problem while the pessimist sees problems in every opportunity." @BusinessatOECD will play role of optimist in the ongoing talks. But it's been difficult to get a single view from business on the 2 pillars
. @WillMorris_DC reiterates concerns that a key problem of amount A is that the principles behind it are still not yet clear. Narrowing down amount A in some way could help. But business ultimately wants a good functioning multilateral agreement.
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