- and you can join Rebecca in conversation with @helen_charman courtesy of @pagesofhackney, next Thursday 21st. https://twitter.com/pagesofhackney/status/1346873447398432771
Poetry; here's the Catalan poet Jaume Subirana's collection, The Silent Letter, translated by Christopher Whyte. @FumdEstampa bring his 'delicate and profound' work to the English-speaking world. Find out more about Jauma and the press here - @nicciprasa https://www.fumdestampa.com 
And many congratulations to Laura Danks @auradanks for 'Which Way To Happiness?', a smart, feminist rom-com about work and relationships. 'A cleverly plotted page-turner', you can read more here - https://www.waterstones.com/books/reviews/isbn/9781913942069#review-179745
- and to Rowan Hooper @rowhoop for his exploration of the role money plays in solving science's greatest dilemmas; climate change, disease, poverty, what can be achieved? How To Spend A Trillion Dollars comes from @ProfileBooks. Here's Rowan - https://twitter.com/ProfileBooks/status/1349657630738935808
And that's all for today. Congrats to all authors publishing at this difficult time. We'll be celebrating their work here every Thursday, so DM if you have a new physical book out while shop doors are closed in Jan and Feb. Now who spilt this red wine? #choosebookshops #books
You can follow @DavidNWriter.
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