Another stable coin to be added to the $kai network and include staking ✅

Potential to connect with multiple different projects through another alliance ✅

Have partners already in that alliance ✅

Joint goal of mass adoption ✅

Backed by @coinbase ✅

Open your eyes👀👀🚀
Our first collaboration will be to integrate the stable coin Celo Dollar (cUSD), and Celo token (CELO) as well as Celo staking features (currently at 6% APR) into KAI Master Wallet. Furthermore, the integration will be taken to the next level by allowing users to use cUSD and
CELO tokens to participate in KardiaChain DeFi platforms, including KAI Starter, Mobile Top Up, and Mai Linh Taxi payment, that will be implemented in KAI Membership application. This collaboration and integration do not only allow more digital assets accessible for more than
KardiaChain 100,000 users but they also attract a large user base from Celo community to explore our products. It is one step closer to provide Access to Finance for the Masses.
Time to show you all involved and all the potential $kai connections to be made!
That's right @coinbase is here

Let's hope $kai becomes their friend
More $kai friends like $ankr, @coinplug and $ont
You can follow @SeanMcDonnell5.
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