#ThreadAlert: In Yoweri Museveni’s 4th decade in power, the Ugandan state has shrunk into 1 man and a dog

Himself and his police chief

What had been concealed and contained for 35 years of his time in power has erupted

A military government for a full generation
Being a Machiavellian politician and scared of the internal competition Mr. Museveni has chosen to pull a fast one and banned social media, 2 days ahead of a presidential election pitting him, one of Africa's longest-serving leaders, against opposition frontrunner Bobi Wine
It seems no one can replace Afande Museveni.

He has been the leader of #Uganda during the war and he seems hell-bent to continue leading Uganda until he dies.

In the past, he has even changed the constitution to support his presidency.
However, his political contender, Robert Kyangulani aka @HEBobiwine celebrity status, his street cred, and his articulation of youth grievances through music, has made him a potent threat to Yoweri Museveni’s administration
@HEBobiwine has inspired very young people that he can actually make them get what they want and he seems to give them an inspiration that it’s possible to come out of the ghetto and become something.
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