"Everything the #Tories have done has stolen from the poor and escalated wealth to the plutocrats."
By Mollie Collins
The 5th richest country in the world since 1979 has deliberately pursued a ‘low wage economy’.
The neo liberal obsession with profit and shareholder dividends,
not to mention immense rewards for #CEOs every time shareholder dividends are boosted.
This system led to #Carillion and 2 unfinished #PFI hospitals.
They have privatised everything bar the air we breathe, which has increased the costs of #utilities.
Have stolen our #schools which are now owned by Academy businesses. Replaced the fairer #Rates system where those on more expensive large houses paid proportionately more by #council tax which is regressive. Then taken away from councils 64% of the Rate Support Grant
thereby increasing council tax.
Replaced decent jobs with #zero hour contracts.
Is it any wonder that the families in their millions qualify for #Free School Meals!?
The ridiculous 5 week delay in receiving #Universal Credit puts families into a debt
from which they can never recover, often leading to #homelessness. Worse, they sold off affordable rent #council homes and encouraged the rentier class and got rid of any #control on #rents.
Young people now have to pay £9,000 a year plus for higher #education.
Everything the Tories have done has stolen from the poor and escalated wealth to the plutocrats.
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