The A4 sheets that you own and don’t own (A thread)

Imagine you buy some A4 sheets from a stationary store. Let’s imagine that the stationary shop owner is a leftist, and you’re a right winger. You come home and use those A4 sheets to print some right wingy stuff.
Now here’s a question:

Can the shop owner storm into your place and snatch your sheets because he doesn’t agree with what you’re printing on the sheets you bought from his shop. What a stupid question right, of course he can’t.
You own the sheets, you can print whatever you want on those sheets and only law enforcement agencies can decide whether the stuff printed on the sheets is incendiary or not.
When we buy a product or service from any company, we become the legal owners of that product or service forever or for the time period mentioned in the legal deed/terms and conditions page.
Now Amazon web services is a paid web service that anyone can buy. Parler was one of the companies that used their services. Amazon nowhere states on its terms and conditions page that it will force a website to go offline if it doesn’t agree with the Politics of the website.
But Amazon pulled the plug on Parler, which isn’t just illegal but a scarily intrusive behaviour. As the world discusses Twitter’s ban on Trump, it needs to discuss Amazon and Parler story too because remember they can make your site go offline with the touch of a button.
The tech giants want the world to be exactly the way they want it. It’s undemocratic, tyrannical and frightening.
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