Ethno-nationalism is only complex when we’re talking about European countries. No one would care if we said ‘Chinese is an ethnicity AND a nationality. Moving to China doesn’t make me of Chinese heritage.’ That wouldn’t be controversial at all. 1️⃣
But when we say ‘British is an ethnicity AND a nationality. Moving to Britain doesn’t make someone of British heritage’ suddenly it is controversial. Why? The racial heritage of a Brit can be traced back to its origins, the same as a Chinese person. 2️⃣
The fact that other communities have made their home here doesn’t (and shouldn’t) obscure the fact that one community was here first: the Britons. This is our nation, our racial heritage, and our culture. We should always be the majority in our homeland. 3️⃣
This doesn’t mean hating non-British people who move to Britain. If they show respect for the native population’s culture (and the nation) then there’s no immediate problem. But, over time and with enough migration, they will eventually supplant the native population. 4️⃣
People who don’t want this are derided as “ethno-nationalists” and I don’t understand why. If you truly loved diversity then maintaining strong ethnic and cultural boundaries is the *only* way to achieve that. Mixing turns us all beige, both ethnically and culturally. 5️⃣
If “my culture and ethnicity have great value to me, so I want to preserve it” sounds acceptable to you when the person isn’t white/European, but like hate when they are - then maybe ask yourself why. ALL peoples deserve the right to maintain themselves, if they so choose.
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