Raptor, the Falconer / Accountant of an evil terrorist organisation https://twitter.com/ClassicGIJoe/status/1348832104457658368
Isn't it funny how Larry Hama's toyline villians are mostly higher-middle class types determined to uproot American democracy who don't really seem themselves as 'terrorists' but as 'real Americans'?
Boy, what a ridiculous concept.
I am not saying Larry Hama was better at understanding American facism than Sinclair Lewis; I am, however, strongly implying it.
These are your neighbors, your accountants, your lawyers. You play golf with them. And you don't know, or rather - you don't want to know...
One day I'll do a proer 5,000 words article (minimum) on Larry Hama's G.I.Joe.
Who would dare to publish such a beast?!
another thing I've mentioned before - in many ways Hama, writing a story based on a jingoistic toyline, is far more cynical in his take on the military's life and role than someone like Ennis ever could.
From a @stevewmorris interview
Ennis, a fan of the grizzled veteran, would rage at such at notion (in many ways his work is all about making sure the soldier is never forgotten); but Hama's approach is simpler - 'it's a job, you do it, that's that.'
I don't want to overpromise to the people who follow me; G.I.Joe is NOT an anti-war story, Larry Hama doesn't do the children's version of War is a Racket (have you read that book?).
He does, however, write this
Hama was Christopher Priest's guide to the world of comics (mentor?) for a while and you can sense that biting cynicism passed on through the creative DNA - the world is shit, and you shouldn't expect to be otherwise
So Ennis' Unknown Soldier (which I write about here - http://www.tcj.com/unknown-soldier-known-unknowns/) is about the betrayal of ideology; Priest's Unknown Soldier is about ideology never existing.
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