Rick Wilson knows this comment isn't a knock on him, but let me tell y'all if we casually used profanity on TV like him & several other folks recently, our careers would be over. This is a privilege reserved for a few. Commentators of color can back me up on this. Had to say it.
Example: Reza Aslan was fired because he called Trump a "piece of shit" on Twitter. He isn't the only person of color "canceled" for such an offense.
To this day, pretty much every Muslim journalist and commentator I know, and many POC, still say, "If they could fire Reza for that tweet...what will they do to us?" Just something to think about moving forward.
Ask yourself who is allowed to express righteous rage? Keep it real? Speak from the hip? Tell it like it is? Be emotional & profane? Who is rewarded and adulated for such a display of refreshing honesty? And who is punished for it?

Anyway, back to my 1989 Batmobile Lego Set...
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