Sorry to burst OT stans' bubbles but the thesis statement of having a Sequel Trilogy at all is "blowing up the bad guys that one time was not the be all end all of the cyclical systemic failures that gave rise to the bad guys in the first place"
In order to make that theme matter, it has to apply to the heroes we rooted for in the OT. They needed to fall after their victory in order to set the stage for having another trilogy at all, otherwise the thematic core would just be "doing Star Wars again" (coughs in Legends).
I daresay there just is no way for a Sequel Trilogy to be an interesting story if the OT characters came out of the OT completely unscathed. "Sequel Trilogy" is inherently a statement that victory didn't last. The way to make that thematically interesting is by asking "why?".
Han and Leia failed as parents. They tried, but ultimately they made the wrong choices and it pushed Ben away. That's what makes them interesting, and what makes the potential of Ben's arc resolution important -- it symbolizes a final triumph over the galaxy's cyclical failures.
So it's okay that Han and Leia failed as parents. Let them have flaws and be messy and put their priorities in the wrong place and ignore the solution right in front of them and talk nervously about their child within his earshot and then send him away out of fear. Let them fail.
It makes the story more interesting that they failed, and it makes the final, triumphant resolution and their reconciliation with Ben so much more impactful.
Oh but you have to ignore TROS though. Fuck that movie into the dirt. No, I'm talking about the thematic potential from TFA and TLJ that you need to take and then imagine your own ending with, or partake in canon rewrite fanfiction that fixes it. That is always what I mean.
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