I keep thinking about the Little Green Men in Crimea. About the Russian Bikers who went to Donbas. The whole point of their behavior and actions was to create obfuscation of the intent and origination of the forces. Forcing everyone to slow down their reactions.
It was not the first time the Russians had used that ruse nor would it be the last. PMF Wagner Group was ostensibly supposed to be private contractors working for Assad etc. Very clear each of those obfuscation were meant to muddy the water and were practice for the next time.
This is not to say this attack was the work of Russians, but that it had a similar feel. Multiple armed events prior to, appearing at state Capitols. Discussing with a retired officer why they were allowed in with no reaction from security. Seems to be a combination of things:
1) Patriots are Peaceful - in most encounters, armed groups did not rampage, burn or assault. Of course, they weren't violently confronted either.
2) Back the Blue - A public relations project that insisted, though armed, they were not the dangerous radicals. We can see...
2)[BTB] We can see the culmination in multiple events. Including the night Kyle Rittnehouse shot 3 people. He was sent home and not arrested on the spot.
3) Oathkeepers - more than one member of these organized armed protests were current or former LEO. They knew each other
4) Portland - Portland has been a training ground for every radical group. Importantly, the Proud Boys and their kind have been pioneering various assaults without firearms. Including the use of Bear spray and turning flag poles into spears and bludgeons with nails etc.
5) BLM - During these protests, I noted that anyone who watches the highly edited versions of video from either side was likely to be radicalized. Even LEO. Officers I knew, mostly retired, were posting in groups where active duty officers also commented and shared.
6) complacency kills - was a sign on the gate of a Marine outpost in Iraq. It is a warning to everyone who exits not to grow complacent because the last 10 missions have passed without incident or that the ordinary people shopping means there is no danger. It's a trap.
7) Chaotic Mobs as Cover for Nefarious activities - Speaking of BLM, one of the most persistent activities was the organization of large scale looting and theft under the guise of protests. Often organized on line. NYPD had a massive intel failure on this front.
7)[CMCNA] We also saw this in Michigan and Las Vegas to an extent. The rather infamous "umbrella man" who used an umbrella like Hong Kong to try to avoid recording by CCTV, broke windows and set fires. He is suspected to be an "accelerationist", using the protest as cover.
7) [CMCNA] Las Vegas and California events were used to carry out assassinations of police officers. Suspects turned out to be Boogaloo accelerationists and a retaliatory gang hit. It's possible and even probable that these events were separate, but used as a learning tool.
8) Small Squad Tactics - One of the things that most unsanctioned militia train for are squad level tactics. Largely because membership is small and the numbers capable of participating or contributing are smaller. There are at least 3 videos of small groups acting in the chaos
8) [SST] - some were dismissed as simply people moving together, but they were organized enough and uniform enough to draw attention. We dismissed them as amateurs and wannabes at our own peril. These groups knew where they were going and directed others to move with them.
9) Organization and Coordination - At this point, it seems clear that there were numerous contacts inside the Capitol Police as well as congress who coordinated and organized these events. People were provided maps and recon tours. They were directed to specific entrances.
9) [OC] In numerous videos it appears that officers are strangely arranged around the perimeter of the building. This might be explained by frontal attack being re-enforced to draw forces from other locations. How does the crowd know about all of these weak points?
10) [OC] It is at these weakly re-enforced areas that it appears officers open the barricades and let the crowd through. Meanwhile, in other videos, w mob gathered at a specific window, broke through to the offices and was being directed by a woman with a bullhorn.
10) [OC] It is clear the woman and a few of the mob knew where they were and where they wanted to go from their point of ingress. She even says that she knows because she has been there many times before.
10) [OC] At this point we have a video of an activist in December claiming to be organizing the Jan 6 event with Reps Andy Bigg and Paul Gosar from Arizona. AZ liberal activists are sure the woman is the head of RW AZ Patriots that has close ties with AZ GOP.
10) [OC] There is also a picture of the AZ Patriot woman with several recognizable people from previous events. Most obvious was the Q Shaman guy. She is also later recording a video on a return plane from DC with a large group of people. Seems they had group rate tickets.
Purely speculation, but I want to note that we have as yet to actually have a motivation for the suicide of the Capitol Hill officer. He was on the force for 20+ years, but a backgrounder had his father and he intimately familiar with old GOP reps from Tennessee.
One might note the number of kookie reps, like Marsha Blackburn, from Tennessee and the presence of MAGA among officers. At least one Civilian CEO also committed suicide when his part in events were reported.
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