“When you use your voice to question someone else’s humanity, you forfeit yours.” - @monteiro, Ruined by Design
“Some of the designs included a mall on the US side of the wall. Many included amenities, as if the reason we believe concentration camps were awful was the lack of gift shops! ... cases of people attempting to ‘design away’ the true horror of what they were creating.”- @monteiro
“You cannot find a mole in your garden and decide the mole is engagement.”
On Twitter “Every outrage is the exact same size” whether it’s a President declaring war or a foreign country or a bad decision about a prom dress.

Absolutely. I think about this often is regards to Twitter moments. It can be surreal and disturbing. And sometimes unjust.
All in the name of engagement.
This ties in directly with Jaron Lanier’s “BUMMER” concept.
“We’re strip-mining humanity for engagement and fracking the decency out of society because we’re working within a system of rewards that doesn’t give a damn about the long-term effects, only short-term gains.”
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