Parts of being a sex worker that people don’t seem to think of since they’re hellbent on saying sex work isn’t work.
A thread
*I’m speaking on in person work specifically
There are the more obvious things like building websites, keeping up with photos, creating a brand, keeping up with socials, admin etc which in itself is A LOT of work, we don’t directly get paid for this part of the work. We do it to keep up with the constantly changing
Market which is now absolutely flooded and saturated. Not to mention things DO change over night our websites/socials/ads sometimes get deleted overnight and we have to get creative and keep pushing forward.
However there are also components to the work I don’t hear addressed nearly enough.
Do you know how to sit across almost any person and have them feel at ease, safe, and comfortable within minutes? SWers do. We pick up on cues and likes and dislikes without them needing to
Be named - because thats part of our job. Do you know how to set the mood for a couple exploring for the first time so as to make sure everyone feels heard, welcomed, and engaged? We do. Do you know about sexual health in and out? Thats also part of our job.
Do you know how to create an environment that is liberating for someone to truly be themselves? We do. Do you know how to hold a conversation and make the person you’re sitting across feel like the most important person in the world for that entire moment? We do
Do you know how to screen and go through a safety process to keep yourself safe when meeting someone new? We do! Do you know how to be kind while remaining boundaried so as to make sure everyone is feeling safe without “killing the mood”? We do!
There is SO much more that we do that doesn’t get acknowledged. Our jobs are work!
Are our jobs always hard? No, but thats literally why I chose this work. To bring joy to those I feel my best with AND make money - nothing wrong with that
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