THREAD on #pandemicAthletics Something to consider for school boards & districts: if you cannot open your athletic depts, you may lose them to travel sports, & it may not return after the pandemic. 1/6
The threat of this is real especially in warm weather states where travel sports can operate all year round. I am NOT opposed to travel sports. My kids play them, many coaches sharpen their abilities in travel. The benefits of sports can be true in HS or travel sports. But.. 2/6
Schools should be prioritizing the operations of their ath depts bc they are a school’s primary mentorship program, wellness program, marketing tool, life skills curriculum, and student culture influence. HS athletics is electricity in the veins of a high school. 3/6
How do u conduct #pandemicathletics ? Start with a framework of ‘this is non-negotiable for the well being of our students.’ Then consider ANY option to increase safety. No fans, intensive screening that reduces practice time, reduced game schedules, & more can be considered 4/6
When you have a COVID issue arise do not panic & do not be afraid to pause. Re-establish health and safety, make adjustments if necessary, allow for proper timelines,
and re-open ur teams. 5/6
Why is this worth it? Teens are in a unique developmental stage. They need mountains to climb & battles to fight. For 8 million, the developmental mountains and battles are found in HS ath depts

This is hard. This is worth it.

Lead on #athleticDirectors & #coaches ! 6/6
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