A whole lot of you are about to find out about Christian Identity soon, and learn more than you ever wanted to know.

And that’s...

My hopeful outcome.
... ok so here goes my “religious propaganda” you requested:

Don’t be a literal ‘Nazi for Jesus.’

That sums the Christian Identity movement https://twitter.com/njshore/status/1349552941561163776

Don’t tell me Christian Identity’s literal Jesus Nazis “cherry picked! They aren’t REAL Christians; Christianity preaches love.”

Do you think ISIS doesn’t cherry-pick the Quran, my guy (by the way, the Bible is a hell of a lot more violent)?

Mind the double standards.
Fun ‘assumptions and religious literacy’ test I like to give my intro Islamic Studies students:

What religious leader said “I came not to bring peace but the sword”?


Jesus, homie. That’d be Jesus.
Hey new followers,

I know about fun, interesting things too, I promise!

And I can’t wait to talk about that stuff again.
If you guys are interested, I’ll happily bang out a quick thread on parallels between ISIS / takfiri interpretations of Islam and Christian Identity.

A lot of contrasting contextual factors account for so many people’s disproportionate perception of Islam as the ‘real’ threat.
If you want me to tackle ISIS-Christian Identity parallels, tell me and I’ll hop on it tomorrow. I’ve got to finish these apps, so here is the updated running thread list for now: https://twitter.com/msentropy/status/1348760336715763712
Don't have time to flesh out the Christian Identity / ISIS legacy of non-state armed groups perpetrating violence in the name of religion here, but I did dig up a few old threads I've done on CI & the anti-abortion movement.

Will link below. https://twitter.com/MsEntropy/status/1259885644920356864?s=20
Remember those post-9/11 anthrax letters mailed to politicians across the country?

Not Al-Qaeda. Christian Identity. https://twitter.com/MsEntropy/status/1258809917403803648
Remember the bombing of the Atlanta Olympics back in 1996?

Once again:

It was Army of God - a Christian Identity neo-Nazi group https://twitter.com/MsEntropy/status/1258815708877803521
One of the biggest gaps in Americans' assessment of the neo-Nazi and white supremacist threat before the Capitol insurrection:

It's not Timothy McVeigh. It's the discourse around anti-abortion terrorism.

That was pioneered by Christian Identity affiliated group Army of God.
Two of the biggest "terrorism" events in contemporary history beyond September 11 - and everyone still thinks the anthrax letters were al-Qaeda and the Atlanta Olympics bombing was "just" anti-abortionists.

Nope. Guess again.

Christian Identity: white supremacists.
Now let's talk about why and how Christian Identity neo-Nazis are directly implicated in the Capitol insurrection...

And why those misconceptions about anthrax and anti-abortion attacks are SO. PROFOUNDLY. DANGEROUS.

Sit down for this one, y'all.
For one thing, you want to talk "organizing on the Internet?" How about "recruiting on the Internet?"

Al-Qaeda didn't pioneer that.

White supremacists did. https://twitter.com/MsEntropy/status/1258804380641439746?s=20
So... y'all know who the Boogaloo Boys are by now - right?

Remember those Reopen COVID protests? You know, the ones that coalesced in the plot to take over the Michigan Capitol - and execute the governor on camera?

Guess. Who. Else. Was. There?
Don't forget:

The seizure of Michigan's Capitol was a dress rehearsal for January 6. If you missed that, you were not paying attention.

And it should scare you that it also happened to be a multi-generational neo-Nazi networking event. https://twitter.com/MsEntropy/status/1258820541332496384
To repeat: One of the biggest gaps in Americans' assessment of the white supremacist threat:

It's not 'lone wolf' terrorism, OKC & McVeigh.

It's the discourse around anti-abortion terrorism, pioneered by Christian Identity & the Army of God.
Updated the Capitol master thread w/today's additions (Christian Identity, OKC/anti-abortion Nazis/Army of God, Michigan's dress rehearsal, Ayanna Pressley & AOC, 1988's Order sedition trial).

I'll do Christian Identity & theology tomorrow.

Goodnight! https://twitter.com/MsEntropy/status/1348760336715763712
I disagree that Americans underestimate the white supremacist threat because of McVeigh and OKC. I’d argue that a powerful and overlooked issue is:


CI’s embedding in wider Christian anti-abortion activism is a huge part of why I’m having to do these clarifications: https://twitter.com/msentropy/status/1349650996939550721
People keep messaging about this Christian Identity thread to tell me we need to eliminate religion entirely.

If that's your top plan for a viable solution to Our Current Global Predicament®, I'm guessing you missed a few decades.

And oh boy, are you in for several surprises.
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