Rapport is an exceptional form of passive security. Cultivate it at any and all opportunities. https://twitter.com/MikePerryavatar/status/1349545494666764289
Eat with your interpreters and listen to them. Then your inner security. Then your outer security. Then start working the locals. Develop layers of people that don't want you dead. Develop relationships where information becomes a push (rather than a pull) system. It saves lives.
Life's much easier when you have passive security tripwires in every direction and multiple layers of them. It's worth your time developing these. It's the best ROI you'll ever get. Breaking bread and listening to people is way better than IEDs and ambushes. Shut up and listen.
My old friend with a high body-count understood that wasn't one's sole skill-set, nor should it be one's go-to. I was embarrassed he pointed this out to me. I carried some extra chemlights for the kids, chill them out, wish I'd thought of this Jedi trick. https://twitter.com/MikePerryavatar/status/1261418251130531840?s=19
People will usually want to air their grievances. Listen to them. Sometimes nobody has had any sort of government representation their entire life, but they're unhappy because stuff explodes around them and neighbors get dragged out of their homes and assassinated at 3 am...
..and there's artillery rubbling the neighborhood and armored vehicles keep running over their corn. You're gonna hear all about it. Give a listen. They'll run out of steam and they'll feel better. It's better than being shot at, and that likelihood just went down for you and...
..everybody else working for the coalition. Tell them you'll report it to your higher and then do so, summarize the human terrain. Don't apologize for it, but do recognize it. Make no promises. If you can fix something, do so. Manage expectations. Be sincere.
You get to tell a lot of pissed-off people "I just work here" but that's ok. People usually understand that. Have some lunch. The food is excellent.
Your gut biome will thank you.
Most people are just trying to get by, same as anyone. Every society produces psychopaths.
You can follow @MikePerryavatar.
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