Thread đŸ§”

I hope none of you are planning to go to DC next week or be on the streets in your state capital or your town.

But if for some reason you are, I would ask you to reconsider.
If you’re not familiar with the terms interactive escalation and mutual radicalization, please read this:
And this:

Book sample for “Mutual Radicalization:
How Groups and Nations Drive Each Other to Extremes” at link. Also available on Amazon:
If you’re someone who likes research, check out Omar Wasow’s paper published just last year. Paper is open access. Thread:
Violent protest isn’t effective in creating the change you want.
If you have a spouse and/or children, a decent job, and a home you own, there’s more to lose and maybe you’d think twice anyway.
But perhaps you don’t have a significant other, kids, property, or a job and think you have nothing to lose.

I would still ask you to consider:

- Is it worth your life?

- Is it worth going to prison for a few years or perhaps the rest of your life?
I think many people think that when things get out of hand they would know better. They would be the one to calm things down or they would bail.

Some people -are- those people.
But if you’ve never been in an angry mob situation, you actually don’t know what type of person you are.

And even if you do know you would want to do leave if things got violent, you may find yourself in a situation where you are simply can’t.
People who were in DC last week—protesters and journalists—report being swept along by the crowd or being unable to head in the direction they wanted to go because of the crowding.
I’ve only been trapped in a peaceful crowd situation once and can attest to the fact that when you are surrounded by hundreds of people who are tightly packed in to a small space, there may be no way out.
If you can get out, it may take a very long time and you may end up somewhere you don’t want to be.
During protests that devolved into riots last June, Boston shut down MBTA stations and bus service early and many protesters were stranded in neighborhoods far from home with no way to get back other than to walk.
Secondhand I can report that while these types of situations are not safe in general, they’re especially not safe if you’re not able-bodied and in good shape.
Someone I know who attended a lot of protests in Boston told me terrifying stories of having been nearly crushed. Had they and a friend not been able to hop over a police barrier at one protest, they might have suffered crush injuries from the surging crowd.
People you know may tell you that now is exactly the time to be in the streets to express your outrage at one party or another or to protect your community from the evil others who are coming to do you harm.
Maybe they’re selling you a song about how the rally/protest they’re going to will absolutely be peaceful and family-friendly. Bring your kids! And your dog! đŸ¶
While there’s certainly a chance that’s true, you have no way of knowing. All it would take would be one person in the crowd with a weapon or a small band of agitators and BOOM or law enforcement overreaction—a peaceful protest is suddenly a riot.
Maybe your friends are selling you romantic images of revolution or telling you that God is instructing you to be out there.
Maybe you’ve prayed and you do think you’ve heard from God. Maybe you have or maybe you haven’t.
Be real with yourself.

Do you know how to fight?

Are you willing to take lives?

Are you willing to die (by violence, accident, or medical emergency)?

If you believe in a higher power, is this actually what they would want you to do?
Some additional questions:
If you answered no to any of these questions, STAY HOME.
There may be some truth to what they’re saying or what you’re reading or hearing online but it’s very likely that some of it is catastrophized and meant to draw you in through emotional manipulation. Some may be outright fabricated.
Are there going to be some mostly peaceful protests/rallies next week? Yes. But you can't predict which ones those will be.

Everyone seems to be on edge right now, including law enforcement. This is NOT a situation you want to be in the middle of.
If you answered no to any of the above questions but still have doubts:

call your therapist,
call your spiritual leader,
call any relative you’ve historically gotten good advice from & who hasn't lost their minds since last week.
Or call the most rational person you know. I’m talking someone who is still rational this week, not someone who was rational before 1/5/21 and has since started talking about revolution.
If you don’t presently have any of these people in your life then think of the most clear-headed person you’ve known in the past or the most rational public figure you look up to. What would they advise?
But if after consideration you decide you’re going and you hit the streets next week anyway and you find yourself in the middle of a riot or violence breaks out between citizens and law enforcement

 and you hear a voice in your head asking you if you should do something stupid, illegal, or violent, shout NO to yourself and do your best to get the fuck out of there. Don’t rationalize and go along with it.
Don’t be like some of the folks at the Capitol who thought they shouldn’t do X and did it anyway. We see how well that worked out for them. The FBI has opened 170 case files as of this press conference yesterday afternoon.
Still not convinced? Longer list of questions you should ask yourself:
If you’re going to insist on going to a protest/rally, tell someone you trust where you’re going and when you hope to be home and check in with them later.
Write the number of a person who can bail you out if need be with a Sharpie on your arm or on a piece of paper in your shoe. You may be able to look up info on this process but it will depend on who the arresting authority is and where you’re processed.
With COVID & mass arrests you may just be cited & released but you can’t assume that you will. You do not want to spend more time in a crowded situation with people who may not be wearing masks longer than you have to.

Carry extra masks in case you lose yours or to share.
But really, just STAY HOME. If anything I wrote in this thread scares you, good, it should.

If you live in DC, expect Mayor Bowser to order another curfew. Stock up now and plan to stay home.

If you have an essential job or need to go out for medical care and can’t stay home, check news reports for protest areas and try to avoid them.
Forgot to add this thread I wrote in 2019 on why I don’t go to protests to cover them or to attend. This won’t apply to anyone since part of why I don’t go is due to my health but some of these types of protests/counterprotests just make things worse.
You can follow @keikoinboston.
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