Thank you everyone so much for the love and support over the last few days!
Sorry I can’t get to everyone’s message but I am truly touched and humbled by you all. 🙏

The CCP uses many tactics to silence those who disagree with them or challenge them.
They will use online mobs to bully or intimidate people. They will use their soft power to get people to self-censor because they are afraid of losing business in China or offending Chinese people. And I think that’s what happened here.
I started my YouTube channel to share my love of Chinese culture with the world, I love China, and I love Chinese people. They are my people.
The CCP however is not China and certainly should not be equated to the Chinese people.

They’ve committed countless atrocities from the Cultural Revolution to the Tiananmen Square massacre.
And even now, they’re forcing millions of Uyghurs into labor camps, persecuting Tibetans, Mongolians, Christians, and Falun Gong, and locking up pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong.
But because of the CCP’s money and influence, many people even outside China are afraid to say anything. I only have a small platform, but I will always do what I can to lend my voice to those in China who can’t speak out.
You can follow @mikexingchen.
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