THREAD: A case of "stuff the koalas?"

Yesterday @LendleaseGroup destroyed all of these old trees in this vitally important #koala habitat corridor.

What will ethical investors and @GRESB think of this destruction? Check this thread to see what #Lendlease did at Mt Gilead #GRESB
2) Mt Gilead is the home of Sydney's last healthy koala colony.

@LendleaseGroup have begun chopping down these old trees to clear the land for a housing development.
3) A reminder that a NSW Upper House inquiry recently found that koalas could go extinct in NSW by 2050 unless urgent action was taken.

Why is @LendleaseGroup allowed to chop down old trees in such a vitally important koala habitat corridor?
4) The Black Summer fires had a really massive impact on the NSW koala population and their habitats.

So why is the NSW Govt still allowing developers like @LendleaseGroup to chop down old trees in a vital koala habitat corridor?
5) This @LendleaseGroup development has to meet all the recommendations of the NSW chief scientists.

At the moment I'm yet to see evidence that #Lendlease will implement koala corridors that are a minimum 450 metres wide in all stages of this development.
6) If @LendleaseGroup does not adopt the chief scientists recommendations on koala corridors and other matters at Mt Gilead, it could really damage the reputation of #Lendlease as a company that’s serious about sustainability-related matters.
7) @LendleaseGroup needs to protect koala habitat. If it fails to do so in this project at Mt Gilead, it could damage its reputation with ethical investors.

@GRESB @RIAANews @AustEthical and others will no doubt follow this issue.
8) Yesterday @LendleaseGroup chopped down and destroyed some really big old trees at Mt Gilead. Goodness knows how old they were.

Can #Lendlease really guarantee that these trees were not habitat for local wildlife?
9) How old was this tree that @LendleaseGroup chopped down yesterday? Many large and very old trees were cut down and destroyed yesterday at Mt Gilead.

What do you think of this @AustEthical? Would #AustralianEthical invest in this #Lendlease housing project at Mt Gilead?
10) The person standing next to this tree shows how big it was at the base.

Why did @LendleaseGroup chop down such a big old tree? Does #Lendlease have no plans to keep these old trees for wildlife habitat or placemaking at Mt Gilead?
11) A question for @LendleaseGroup. Exactly how many trees will #Lendlease be chopping down for its Mt Gilead housing development?

No PR response please. Just the exact number of trees that you'll be destroying for this housing development.
12) It really saddens me to post these photos of the trees that @LendleaseGroup destroyed yesterday at Mt Gilead.

I've previous been a fan of the excellent sustainability work that #Lendlease has done on other projects. But I'm very worried about where this project is heading.
13) I am really stunned to see @LendleaseGroup carrying out this level of destruction in the koala habitat corridor at Mt Gilead.

Before it does any more logging, #Lendlease needs to audit this project to ensure that it does the right thing for the local wildlife and habitat.
14) My final tweet is to ask @LendleaseGroup Chair Michael Ullmer to:

1) Stop the logging and carry out a full sustainability audit of this #Lendlease project at Mt Gilead.

2) Guarantee that there will be a MINIMUM 450 metre #koala corridor for ALL STAGES of this project.
15) A reminder why @LendleaseGroup needs to #SaveTheKoalas at Mt Gilead

Koalas are already extinct or nearly extinct in many parts of NSW. Please watch and share this video and share the whole of this thread.

The koalas urgently need our help.
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