how i motivate myself to shower ; a thread
between depression, executive dysfunction, and hating my body, for the last seven years i’ve struggled to shower more than 1 - 2 times per week. during covid, it got so bad that i realized i rlly needed to make a change.
although i still struggle to get up and actually *do* it, changing my showering experience was the key change for me. it needed to be something i enjoyed instead of another exhausting thing on my to-do list.
first, i changed the soap i use. i have very sensitive skin, and i hate how drying most soaps are for me. the cetaphil body wash is moisturizing, smells gently floral (not artificial), and for the huge size is very affordable.
next—and this won’t apply to everyone—i finally cut my hair. i did it mostly becuase of dysphpria, but once it was shorter, i realized how much easier my hair is to condition and detangle in the shower. i have thick, curly hair, so this had always been a struggle for me.
i also play music loudly in the shower. it gives me something to focus on besides the exhausting, mind-numbing task of showering, which made a big difference.
a recent change for me was to clean my shower thoroughly and to invest in a bamboo hanging bottle holder. before, i’d kept my soap, shampoo, and conditioner on the floor, so upgrading the area made it more inviting to be in.
i want to end by saying that you are not dirty or gross or lazy if you are struggling with hygeine. it is so valid and way more common than people want to admit. i hope this helps, but no matter what, don’t be too hard on yourself ♡
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