I won’t wear a mask

Not because I won’t help others
But the opposite

I WANT to help them

I will remind them of their humanity
With mine
I will remind them of their power
With mine
I will remind them of their health
With mine


I will remind them of their smile
With mine
As my earlier tweet in supermarket gets more RT’s I am attracting more negativity

Feel my intention with your heart - you will know it is not a bad one.

If you see me in a supermarket, look into my eyes & ask yourself if they are the eyes of a selfish monster.

Dare you
If you feel hate towards me for this, let me say this.
You may know “the stats”, “the science”, “the government line”, “what MSM think” but it’s time you got to know your own intuition a little better.
You can follow @opinionatedmum1.
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