The poet John Keats had a concept which he called “Negative Capability” which is the willingness to embrace uncertainty, live with mystery, and make peace with ambiguity.

I think the poet must-needs have a spirit that ...


#Poet #JohnKeats #Mystery #Mysterious #Creativity
... not only accepts mystery, but embraces it

Life is about living the questions, that the unknown is what drives science, and that the most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious

With a great poet the sense of Beauty overcomes every other consideration.

We ...

... We all live in a state of #creative uncertainty, but poets are more aware of the fact.

The New Yorker’s Christoph Niemann, an #illustrator, asserted that insecurity is essential to creativity.

Even more so, creativity often emerges from the spirit of those who are ...

... experiencing some sort of crucible. It has been said that a writer writes through his wounds. I think this is true of all forms of creativity.

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