HISTORY LESSON: The media is calling what happened at the Capitol 'The Trump Insurrection'. The problem is that what happened at the Capitol wasn't an insurrection - not even close. #thread
2/ If President Trump had called for an insurrection on 1/6 at the Capitol I have no doubt hundreds if not thousands of his supporters would have attended (not this patriot btw) and they would have been armed wearing bulletproof vests and helmets.
3/ So what happened? Why were Trump supporters so ill-prepared to conduct an insurrection if their President had called on them? It might be useful to discuss previous insurrections to get an idea of what one looks like.
4/ The first major insurrection occurred in Biden's home state and is called the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898. 2,000 armed Democrats took to the streets, burned a black-owned newspaper, shot dozens of blacks, and forced thousands of blacks out of the city.
5/ The most popular insurrection in US history was the New York City Draft Riots. Armed men took to the streets and burned the homes and businesses of wealthy elites and lynched blacks. It took 4,000 national guardsmen four days to end the insurrection leaving hundreds dead.
6/ The Battle of Blair Mountain was the scene of the bloodiest insurrection in history. 15,000 armed miners (WWI vets) confronted the coal tycoons preventing them from unionizing. They exchange 1 million rounds with police killing over 100 before the insurrection ended.
7/ The Richmond Bread Riots saw 1000s of desperate people taking to the streets, chanting “bread or blood!” Ignoring the protests of city officials, they broke down the doors of private businesses and supply houses and made off with food, clothing, jewelry, and other valuables.
8/ The Battle of Athens insurrection took place after a local politician rigged an election. 100s of WWII vets ran their own candidates and when the ballot boxes were stolen, the insurgents took over the jail and installed their candidates ousting the corrupt politicians.
9/ Shays’ Rebellion took place as farmers in MA were losing their farms to debt collectors. More than 1,500 insurgents took over the federal armory in Springfield and held it for a week. Followed by the Whiskey Rebellion and Fries’s Rebellion.
10/ The people who marched for President Trump on 1/6 weren't dressed for an insurrection much less armed for one. 99% of the people there were peaceful and the handful of violent vandals weren't armed or prepared to conduct an insurgency. Stop calling it an insurgency.
11/ Bonus: The FBI has reported that the 'insurgency' at the Capitol was pre-planned on Twitter. Question for @SpeakerPelosi how could Trump incite something that was already planned? Guess you should have held hearings before impeaching him...
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