CDPR blaming their QA team for "not finding the issues" in CP2077 makes me so, so angry.

How DARE you try and pin the blame on a department that will have found these issues tenfold and let you know about them, spending hours upon hours nailing down causes.
How DARE you try to pin the blame on a department that is already struggling to get the credit it rightly deserves in our industry. Suggesting that QA 'didn't find' the bugs and so are the cause of YOUR decision to release this game when it wasn't ready is shameful.
Talking from experience I know for a fact that these issues would have been VERY well known of and desperately brought to the attention of all who needed to hear it. Greed and pressure from gamers to get it out of the door are what failed here, not QA.
I'm upset, angry and disappointed that such a large studio would take such an unfair scapegoat and my heart goes out to all of the CDPR QA team. Your work shouldn't go unrecognised and you didn't deserve to be thrown under the bus like this.
QA are an absolute necessity to our industry and every time someone pulls a move like this to try and save their ass, it damages the work that so many of us are putting in to get QA the recognition that it deserves. Do better.
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