Some anthropological mini-reflections on BE, a thread 🍃

“Life goes on / Like an echo in the forest” brings to mind the 'if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?' philosophical debate.
The echo in the forest, the tree falling, is life going on.

It's the humbling realisation that our own experiences are insignificant amidst the world’s natural rhythms & just because we didn’t perceive it, doesn't mean it didn’t happen. RM realises, 'I'm only human after all'.
BTS regularly invoke the vivacity of the natural world. This brings to mind Amerindian perspectivism in Anthropology.

For the Kuna people, all life semiotic & animate & it is 'soul blindness' when we don't get beyond our own souls to see the parallel lives of our forests.
It reminds me of Esquire on BTS - 'a whole universe alongside your own, bursting with color you’re too stubborn to see'

Just because many don't perceive BTS, it doesn't mean they are ‘irrelevant’ - maybe it's our 'soul blindness,' a failure to get beyond our perspectives.
The title of BTS' album, BE, also conjures up phenomenological ideas of being and ‘being-in-the-world’ commonly associated with philosophers, Martin Heidegger and Maurice Merleau-Ponty.
Phenomenology seeks to challenge the idea that the world is objective & ‘knowable', instead stressing our embodied & subjective experience of it.

BE can be read as BTS's diary of 'being-in-the-world' in 2020 - 'being' in the time of a humbling & edifying natural pandemic 🌏 💜
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