Many of you are already rich. Most of you will become rich in the following years (especially my friends who bought $cel). I thought I should share my 2sats on how to manage that steep increase of wealth, but also how to become better human beings in the process.
1. Many of you will be tempted to buy that luxury car, spend thousands on expensive clothes or whatever. Don't make me quote Fight Club. You don't need that sh*t, and it won't make you happier, GUARANTEED. Been there, done that.
Sure, it will give you some gratification & a nice dopamine rush for a few months. But then you will be back to where you were, minus many thousand $$$. Soon you will realize that that car didn't really matter that much, or the expensive clothes were not really needed.
2. I see many of you saying '' wow #btc is pumping, we will all get gfs''. Ask yourselves, do you really need THAT type of girls in your life? Girls that are interested in your money? If not, then DO NOT buy anything just to impress said girls. It won't work. STOP SIMPING.
3. You already know that we live in hard times. While your fiat friends are having fun staying poor, you made it through a tough bear market and you will most likely come out of 2021 with loaded pockets. So stay low, don't disclose how much you have made, don't show off.
And live below your means. The fact that you can buy the new Lambo doesn't mean that you have to do it. Having the new Lambo doesn't mean sh*t. What is important is the ability to be able to buy it. This is what we are after. DO NOT SHOW OFF.
It is important that we are possibly the new elite. People who will have #btc , energy ( since most of us are not boomers like old Peter ), and most importantly TIME to do the things that we want and improve the lives of those around us. Things to consider doing →
5. Invest in yourself. That expensive course on digital marketing that you always wanted to take? Do it. That certification that you wanted to get? Get it. Being wealthy doesn't mean that we should stop improving ourselves, especially if we enjoy our job/field.
6. You don't like your job? Never a better time to quit. Find new passions, try things out. Passive income from your crypto will keep you going while you pursue ( or try to find ) your passion(s). Never been a worst time in history for 9-5 Plebs.
7. Work out. Meditate. Start journaling. Eat healthier. Read many books. You can google all of them & find great recourses, or DM me and I will gladly share mine. Even taking up 1-2 of the habits mentioned above is of paramount importance.
8. Life is hard, & while you might have achieved financial freedom, never forget those who didn't get that chance. Help your friends, your family, and your local charity.
Art is a personal act of courage, something one human does that creates changes in another.
So be an artist.
You can follow @CelEggplant.
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