Good morning, everybody! I think with the threat of multiple armed militias planning to attend the Denver Capitol on the 19th and 20th, we should talk about the man behind one of Colorado's major militias: John Tiegen and the United American Defense Force.
I must stress that this deep dive wouldn't be possible without the work of @HeidiBeedle so please go follow her.
I want to make it clear that Tiegen and FEC United have specifically made statements to avoid the Capitol on and around inauguration day. Still, Tiegen is using the current climate to recruit for the UADF and deserves to be talked about regardless.
Also, as we'll learn later, Tiegen crafts calls to action in ways to avoid responsibility from falling back on him and UADF.
Before that, John Tiegen got his start as a marine and one of the security contractors on the ground during the 2012 Benghazi attacks in Libya. He co-authored the book “13 Hours” and was a subject of Michael Bay's film of the same name.
A CSPD officer commented on this by saying “intelligence reports are law enforcement only and would not be shared with the public.”
The name “UADF” did not appear on Tiegen's social media until July, when he made this call to action to begin rallying prospective members.
In essence, people are paying FEC United and by extension Tiegen, to LARP as soldiers. One may use creative license and call the UADF a grift militia. I'm not saying you should. But you could.
Throughout the summer Tiegen put out calls for “book club meetings” (shitty code for armed militia rallys) wherein he explicitly states that the rallys are not UADF affiliated. Here is a screen capture of one such call to action.
My best guess is that Tiegen states that his counterprotest response isn't a “UADF meeting” in order to protect UADF and FEC United in case one of his chuds attempted anything illegal within Denver. But this is only a guess.
Let's talk about that night a little bit.

On August 28th, activists in solidarity with the March on Washington marched up Colfax Ave to police precinct six on Washington. Meanwhile, Tiegen's “book club” was having a little chat with DPD.
In this video, you can see DPD SWAT officers forming a line in front of the counterprotesters in what seems to be a move to shield them from leftists. The linked account incorrectly labels the group as Proud Boys.
Hey, remember when I mentioned Tiegen's group not being labelled as 'UADF' on a whim because they might do illegal things? Here's a screen cap of one of them that night wearing an open drop leg holster. Open carry is illegal within Denver city limits.
After this and the Patriot Muster in October, Tiegen would make an appearance with what appears to be UADF members in CO Springs on November 7th, the day it was announced Biden had won the presidental election. Notice the logo on their shirts.
The primary bulk of his activity on Twitter for the past month, especially since the purge, has primarily been UADF recruitment posts and abstract bits about pigeons.
Tiegen has become a face of the Colorado far right by repeatedly sending out violent calls to actions that put people at risk. Like most of the larger right wing ecosystem, he has made a career for himself carved out of violence and conspiracy.
A correction to my original statement:
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