Today, the Missouri House debated whether to expel a Democrat from office for perjury and obstructing an investigation into an inappropriate relationship with an intern and making serious threats against his legislative assistant.

Democrats wrongfully protected their own.

There's a lot of hypocrisy in the Missouri legislature on both sides of the aisle.

Representative Price came forward to accept a censure for perjury. Over 90 members voted to expel him, but, along party lines, they were a few votes short of the 2/3 majority needed to do so.

So instead, the Representative will be reprimanded.

He should have resigned, like others have in the past. Instead, he promised to fight the ethics committee until today, when he gave a speech blasting his former assistant before reading an apology and accepting the censure.

During debate, the only Democrats who spoke did so to protect their colleague from expulsion. The Republicans who spoke did so to remove him. It was extremely difficult to watch, but I can't imagine how others saw this.

How a teenager who loves Missouri government watched as Democrats made excuses and arguments about rules and procedure while Republicans tried to remove an official for abusing his power. How a worker who has been sexually harassed or threatened by a boss felt watching this.

How a person currently being harassed in our state government but has been scared to come forward feels right now. How the person who came forward this time feels.

It's easy to sit back and say nothing. It's not so easy to lead.

The Missouri Democratic Party cannot and should not exist as the weak, scared, spineless shell it is today that sometimes puts out fun shirts and cute memes.

The Party should stand for something, for the people who desperately need us to stand up with them. Not this.

I wish I could believe that the Missouri Republican Party will back up the words today with legislation that protects workers, but only the opposite has happened. And I wish I could believe that the Missouri Democratic Party meant anything that it said after today.

Sad doesn't begin to describe it.

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