One of my favourite quotes attributed to Lincoln is this: “Nearly all men can stand adversity but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.“ The greatest accomplishment of President Trump is that he exposed the utter lack of character in government by highlighting /2
the ubiquitous corruption and depravity that permeates its corridors of power, and its propagandists in media and entertainment. The primary reason Trump is loathed by the Establishment is simply that he’s not one of them. He was always a keen observer though, /3
collecting data and evidence to be stowed away until such a time he was able to expose the filth and expunge it. He had an uncommon insight into the rich and powerful because he travelled in their circles, using his wealth and unique personal style to gain their confidence.
So when he became president the corrupt establishment, being aware Trump hadn’t amassed debts to them, also realized he was under no obligation to protect them and their secrets. For politicians used to buying allegiances and selling loyalties to the highest bidders /5
Trump terrified them. They knew when he said he would drain the swamp that he meant it. For this reason they began to develop strategies to destroy his presidency, before he was even elected. When he shocked the establishment by actually winning the election, their scheming /6
went into overdrive and this desperation bore a slew of ridiculous tactics for ruining him including the Russia hoax, the impeachment, a stolen election, and a stage-managed "insurrection." Ever naive about the depth of man’s perfidy, I’ve been stunned by the recent betrayals /7
by members of Trump’s own party, indeed some of his own staff. The outrageous machinations to which the corrupt are resorting in an attempt to fully and finally eradicate every last vestige of Trump’s power and influence, is indicative of the immense gravity of their sins. /8
I am now more convinced than ever that Donald Trump was a truly great president. Certainly he didn’t fulfill conservative’s every desire, and seemed to lead us on when it came to delivering righteous punishments to America’s internal enemies, but the bold steps he took in /9
following through on so many promises such as withdrawing from the Paris agreement, appointing originalist justices, slashing red tape, dramatically lowering taxes, moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and on and on, is surely record-setting among all presidents. /10
Some pledges he couldn’t fulfill simply because he was denied the required support from congress or other agencies, i.e. Bill Barr’s timidity as Attorney General. I have absolutely no clue what the future has in store for Trump, let alone where he’ll find himself tomorrow.
I DO know that Republican traitors like MConnell, who betray Trump and besmirch his legacy, have signed death warrants on their careers as politicians who can count on support from patriot Americans. The GOP is dead and it’s the Mitch McConnells of America who killed it. /Fin
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