So @DannyPlaysGamez asked an important question: What kind of web cam or camera should you buy if you're getting started streaming! A thread! (cont)
I personally believe that the best camera I have ever owned is the Panasonic GH5, which is was VERY spendy and I've been gifted some incredible lenses over the years. GH5: 
That said, if you're just getting started you can probably get by with the much cheaper Panasonic G7 which DOESN'T TURN OFF WHEN YOU ARE STREAMING because it has a TV out mode, although it does have a 30 minute max record time. 
You'll also want to pair it with a wall plug that way you don't have to worry about battery life. These are CHEAP! 
If you want a step between the G7 & the GH5, you can go with a GH4 which isn't going to be as vibrantly colorful as the GH5 and it doesn't have unlimited recording in 4k but it's not fussy when you use it as a web cam which is fantastic.
Now whats great about all of these is they have NORMAL HDMI out cords so all you have to do is plug it into this little device and you don't even have to install anything: 
Whats the most expensive part of photography though? Glass. Lenses. This is why I recommend panasonics, because they have a great 25mm prime lens that will make you look FAB for under $150 and it's REALLY versatile for videos and photos! 
If you want an INCREDIBLE microphone that's super versatile and even good for singing, I recommend the Stellar x2 which is $200. 
HOWEVER for half the price you can get the hardiest mic on the market, the Shure M58. This is the mic that made it so your karaoke host doesn't lose it on people when mic drop. If you have kids, go with this one, it's hardy as heck but VERY directional. 
You're also going to need an audio interface for any of these microphones, so, I recommend the Scarlet's because they work well with PC's and Macs, which is not the case with Behringher. 
If you JUST want a web cam, skip the C920 and go with the c922x because it's a wider angle and has a much clearer lens. I would know, I've owned both. 
Personally, I hate Blue microphones so I would recommend going with a cheaper option that sounds just as good, if not better, and it won't pick up the cars driving by your house like your Yeti does. 
Seriously though. Using a Yeti for my videos was such a nightmare and I could have saved so much time if I had just had a different microphone that entire time. Eventually my coparent gave me a G3 as a hand-me-down but now there are only G4's: 
If you need something Portable for at conventions, I recommend the Rode GO microphones but they are spendy on amazon so get them somewhere else but this is them: 
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