A very good point. The argument is nog longer whether what Trump did is defensible, but whether he should face any consequences for it. Hard to take people seriously when they insist the answer is no, but then want to punish others for lesser or non-existent offenses. https://twitter.com/jonward11/status/1349456247565803522
If you want to unify, then everyone should unify against Trump. Including Trump voters. What he did was a betrayal to the country and indefensible on any sane level. Regardless of specifics regarding punishment, that's the path forward.
As I've always said, noting hypocrisy and trying to hold others accountable is not wrong and is not whataboutism. But that differentiation depends on a willingness to actually also call out bad behavior on your own side. That's where it has to start.
I'm fine if someone arguing impeachment isn't the answer, but then you should offer one up that doesn't amount to just excusing bad behavior with no consequences. You don't set a bank robber free because the bank got the $ back & he promises to stop robbing banks for now.
And to be clear: Trump's crime wasn't just on Jan 6th. He spent months lying to ppl who trust him, spreading conspiracies to undermine our system, threatening officials to back his attempts to steal an election, unleashing the mob on Republicans. Jan 6th was just the culmination.
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