President Isaias Afwerki ( #PIA) of Eritrea has long time track record of using major world events to stay clear of mainstream news attention to hide his dirty works. [1/7]
A day after the Dayton Agreement signed to end the conflict in the former Yugoslavia; #PIA invaded the Hanish Islands which followed by day’s blood shade with #Yemen between 15 to 17 December 1995. [2/7]
#PIA squashed the 2001 reform movement by conducting a brutal crackdown in September 2001 just a week after #911 terrorist attacks in USA. Prominent members of the transition to constitutional rule (G-15) were arrested and put in secret detention. [3/7]
Beraki Gebreselasie, Mahmoud Ahmed (Sherifo), Haile Woldetensa’e (Drru’e), Ogbe Abraha, Petros Solomon, Saleh Kekia, Germano Nati, Aster Fessehazion, Hamid Hmid, Brhane Gebregziabher, Estifanos Seyoum, …their whereabouts is not disclosed yet. [4/7]
#PIA in collaboration with @AbiyAhmedAli planned military offense against the northern region of #Tigray #Ethiopia and started the attack in 4th November 2020 while the world attention was in the #USA presidential election. [5/7]
The so called “law and order” operation produced a devastating impact. More than a millions IDP and 55+ thousand refuges, massacres, ethnic targeting, deliberate starvation, sexual & gender-based violence & the terrorizing of civilian populations ... [6/7]
Now, fears are looming in #Tigray the #USA presidential inauguration might be used to hide civilian attacks with thousands new #EritreaArmy deployed to #Tigray towns. World must give attention to this development. [7/7] @JoeBiden @antonioguterres @hrw @SecPompeo @AmbassadorRice
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