Appeals to humanity are useless.

But I am nothing if not quixotic. So here goes...
Think about the people you’re calling “insane” or “dangerous” or “nuts.”

You’ve probably known many of them your whole life. Maybe you’re related to them.

Now you think they’re murderous psychos?
These people hid their insane psychopathic selves from you until...

...what? Until THE NEWS tipped you off about them?
You are just as susceptible to mass hysteria as the people you LARP against.

Did they turn insanely evil? Or did something happen to you?

(Or both of you?)
Are there instances where YOU ever conceive that YOU might be wrong? Or YOU might be duped?

Have YOU ever changed your mind?
Have YOU ever done something wrong? Or admitted you were wrong?

If so, do you expect sympathy from others when you apologized?

And do you extend the same courtesy to others?
Maybe you do think everyone who doesn’t agree with you deserves some kind of physical retribution.

Even if it’s your family and friends and neighbors and their children.

Maybe when you see the body count you’ll still be okay with it.
If so, it’d be nice if you had the common courtesy to stop making empty mouth sounds about being a pacifist, being open-minded, and being a lover of humanity.
Back to “crazy” and “nuts.”

Dismissing tens of millions of people’s concerns as insane and invalid, while promoting your own actual crazies as saints, is wrong no matter who does it.

But the hypocrisy IS the point.
The United States may very well become the second nation to accept the Soviet-era diagnosis of “sluggish schizophrenia” as valid.

Because someone might show now signs NOW, but they MIGHT later...we’re locking them up for their own good, you know.
But because this is America, and everything here is fake and staged, you’re being sold a live-action TV script with YOU as the hero.

Go get ‘em!
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